Friday, October 31, 2008

Lots of Stuff

So I got Fallout 3 the other day and it's pretty awesome. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for something new to play. I played for 6 hours today and completely lost track of time. It's been a while since I've played a game that did that to me. There are plenty of reviews out there for the game, so I'm not going in depth, but I will say that it's an amazing game and it should be played at least once. I'm about 8 hours into the game and I haven't even finished the second main quest yet. I've been busy doing a bunch of side quests and just exploring the game world (which is absolutely huge).

For our MOD project, we switched engines again. This time, over to Unreal 3. Vincent and a few other members of our team met with some of my school's alumni who worked on the COR MOD project. They gave us a bunch of tips on how to organize the team to succeed and they were the ones who said we should be going with a different engine. The advantages of U3 are that it's a more active community for modding. Not only that, but you have a bigger audience once the game is done, too. Anyway, I'm going to have to start learning UnrealScript sooner rather than later now. Not really looking forward to that, but once I have it down, the MOD should start rolling along fairly well (on the programming side, anyway).

As for my other C++ programming, it's coming along pretty well. I still want to do my own programming projects instead of these assignments, but I'm as motivated as I can be while having to work on this stuff. I want to write another entry soon on some cool stuff I learned in my class recently, but I'm probably going to change my blog theme first so I can actually use black text. Getting code samples to show up in a blogger post isn't all that easy. So look for that post coming up soon.

Puff is going fairly well, too. We had our weekly meeting last night. Unfortunately, we didn't get as good of a turn out as we have been this semester so far, but it was still pretty fun. In the next few weeks, I want to do some kind of event. Josh brought up an interesting idea to have a cook out at Galleria one day and all sit outside, smoke, and eat some BBQ. Sounds like a good time to me. If we don't go with that one, I'm still all for going to Cafe Istanbul's new hookah lounge upstairs. I haven't smoked there yet and it looks pretty nice. Not only that, I think it'd be good for a lot of the club members to go to an actual hookah bar to smoke.

Well, that's about all I have for tonight. I'm pretty damn tired. All this programming lately and trying to meet a deadline has taken its toll on me. I haven't slept much in the past few days. It's not a huge deal...I'm pretty used to all nighters and long days of work like this, but now that I can relax a bit, I'm definitely going to take advantage of it. I'll post again soon.

Happy Halloween!

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